Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Day #132 - AT Hike

Wednesday, July 22nd - Day #132 - AT Hike

Miles hiked Today - 10.1
Total Miles Hiked on AT - 1830.1/2,193 (83.45%)

Liberty Springs Trailhead (1820) to Garfield Ridge Campsite (1830.1) - tent at Garfield Ridge Campsite

Total ascent - 5,279’
Total descent - 2,616’

Total states completed - 12/14

**Rain - started raining late afternoon. Small showers here into the evening


Coming to you live from the Garfield Ridge Campsite. A very solid day today. 10.1 miles, 5,279’ vertical ascent, 8-1/2 hours of hiking, and 4 peaks over 4,000’ (Liberty, Lincoln, Lafayette, and Garfield).

Today I got to hike the iconic Franconia Ridge. It’s on the short list of best hikes in all of New England. Franconia Ridge runs from Little Haystack, over Mt Lincoln, and through Mt Lafayette.  The weather was overcast - but I was still able to get some nice pictures. There were quite a few day hikers/section hikers out as well. I must have passed 30 people or so.

Jeanette drove Sam and I to the trailhead this morning at 6:15am. They brought me a breakfast sandwich from Dunkin Donuts. I’m going to miss my hotel and town luxuries - as I’m now out on a 5 day trek - camping in the bush. (Currently listening to the raindrops on my rainfly).  I’ll admit I’ve been a little excessive with hotel stays lately - but I’m really doing this out of necessity to keep well rested for this stretch. Once I get to Maine - I don’t  think there’s as many places to stay anymore. “Whatever it Takes”

A really cool thing. Here at the campsite tonight is a married couple we’ve been hiking around for a couple weeks now. Slider and Granger. I talked with them quite a bit tonight - really my first time interacting with them. The reason I bring this up - Slider is a retired 4-star General in the Air Force. He retired last year. He served as the 10th Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. This means he was the nations 2nd highest ranking military officer and the highest ranking officer in the entire Air Force.  Wow!!!!  I’m hiking with some pretty strong brass!!  The guy is super low key and the only reason we know his position - he hiked for a couple months with Rock Flipper - who had told us about him.  It was funny tonight. Bounce was talking with him and his wife about the military - as Bounce was in the army for a couple years. He had no clue he was talking with the former 2nd highest ranking military officer in all 4 branches of the military. Slider says nothing about it and just talks like he’s just one of the guys.  “Oh yeah - I was in the Air Force”. That’s the way he flys - calm, cool - no mistakes!

So - tomorrow is a little longer day at 14.6 miles. But - the vertical is only 3,100’. It’s going to come down to - is the terrain really technical AND is it going to rain all day making conditions tough. I’m going for 3 more 4,000’ peaks - Galehead, South Twin, and Zealand. I just looked ahead - I think I’ll get 20 out of the 48 - 4,000’ peaks by doing the AT trail.  Not bad!

Here’s to continued good health and safely navigating my way around this rocky terrain. Goodnight from NH!

Franconia Ridge

More Ridge views

Neat views

Technical stuff

Peak of Mt Lincoln

Clearing skies

More Ridge views

Franconia Ridge

Just starting Franconia Ridge

The White Mountains

Peak of Mt Lafayette 

Clouds rolling in

Peak of Mt Lincoln

Rocky terrain

Very start of Franconia Ridge

Hiking to Mt Lincoln

Finally at campsite

Big rock climb late in day

Franconia Ridge 

Franconia Ridge

Coming down Mt Lafayette 

Peak of Mt Garfield

Very cool

Mt Garfield peak - old fire tower

Interesting clouds

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