Saturday, July 11, 2020

Day #120 - AT Hike

Friday, July 10th - Day #120 - AT Hike

Miles Hiked Today - 13.6
Total Miles Hiked on AT - 1687.3/2,193 (76.94%)

Little Rock Pond Shelter (1673.7) to Clarendon Shelter (1687.3) - tent at Clarendon Shelter

Total ascent - 3,175’
Total descent - 3,788’

Total States Completed - 11/14

**Rain. Brutal heat and humidity. Rain is coming down now as I write the blog.


Coming to you from a hot tent once again - here at the Clarendon Shelter. You know how the weather feels sometimes right before a rain event - it gets really humid & muggy. That’s how the day felt for me today. I just kept getting overheated and had to stop and rest frequently.  There was also a brutal 700’ straight-up climb over technical boulders near the finish of my day.

Sam and I walked independently today. I like to get out early - she likes a little later start.  It’s probably better for me - I can get finished quicker - allowing me more rest.  It’s really nice to walk with people on occasion - but I’m comfortable hiking alone most of the time.

The mileage today was awkward - I could go 13.6 or 19.7 to a shelter. I was considering going for 19.7 - but I just wasn’t feeling the greatest out there. I got to the 13.6 shelter around 2pm. I drank a bunch of water and laid down in the shelter - taking my shoes off. I needed some rest and I was waiting to see when Sam would get in. Well - at 4pm - she still wasn’t here - I decided I’d stay here for the night. Sam came in about  4:30pm - our paces are little different.

The rain is coming in tonight and will rain most of the day tomorrow. (It’s actually starting to rain as I write the blog). Maybe it will cool things off. The temperatures themselves aren’t that bad - mid 80’s - it’s the humidity that’s currently destroying me.

I have a big 3,000’ climb of Killington Peak tomorrow. I’ve decided to push getting into the town of Killington until Sunday morning. This gives me a big vertical day tomorrow with 14.8 miles - and a nice, short 5-6 miler into town the next day. That will give me most of Sunday for recovery.  It doesn’t feel the greatest to me when I add an additional day.  My competitive side says:  “Go more miles - get finished quicker”. But - my more rational side is telling me:  “Listen to your body - don’t push it right now”. I guess the rational side won out today - that’s not always the case

There are a couple Long Trail hikers here at camp as well. I sort of just listened in the background at their stories tonight. Young guys (college age) - pretty amazing their experiences at such a young age. Sam is a big talker and always engages. I interact most nights - just wasn’t feeling it tonight. I’m in the tent early - 6:30pm. “Whatever it takes” - that’s my motto from here to the finish.

Goodnight from muggy, rainy Vermont!

Lake near campsite last night

Interesting cairns

Cool rock cairns

Early morning pic

This sign is shown on road crossings

Technical section

Clarendon Gorge

Clarendon Gorge Bridge

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