Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day #7 - Cork, Ireland - Blarney Stone

Sunday, March 21st
I took a 2-1/2 hour train ride to southern Ireland this morning to a town called Cork. It's actually the second biggest city in Ireland. I was talking with an older gentlemen at the pub just a little while ago and he said that the entire country of Ireland only has 4 million people. I checked - that's about right. Therefore, the state of Missouri has more people than the entire country of Ireland.

So, the big draw for Cork, Ireland is Blarney Castle and kissing the Blarney Stone. Now, I had definitely heard about this, but really no more than it existed. I was thinking there was some statue or something that people walked up to. Nope - you climb 127 steps to the top of the Blarney Castle, you lay on your back, have a guy hold your legs, you scootch up to the ledge of the castle (legs in, head toward the ledge), let your head fall over the side, you hold onto 2 metal posts, and kiss the Blarney Stone under this ledge that juts out from the top while doing a reverse backbend. They did have bars in the ledge so if the guy let go of your legs and your hands slipped - you wouldn't die. That got the heart pumping a little bit. I had to pull my best Mary Lue Retton to pull the move.

The Blarney Stone was the draw but the Castle and the surrounding area where awesome. I walked around for about 3-4 hours. There was one section called the "Wishing Steps" If you close your eyes and walk up this flight of about 25 steps (through a tunnell, soaked with water, on uneven rock), whatever your wishing will come true within the year. I hope my wish comes true.

Why do people kiss the Blarney Stone? Legend has it that the Stone has traditional power of conferring eloquence on all who kiss it.

The word "Blarney" was supposedly brought into the English language by Queen Elizabeth. It has been described as pleasant talk, intended to deceive without offending. Supposedly Queen Elisabeth's husband would say that he would do things around the house all the time. She stated: "That's just a bunch of blarney, blarney that is"

You've heard of: "That's a bunch of baloney" Blarney is flattery laid on just thin enough to like it. Baloney is flattery laid on so thick we hate it. A quote read: "I firmly believe that if the world had a little more Blarney and a little less baloney, it would not be in the mess it is today" ---- Interesting.

After getting back from the castle, I took a 30 minute train ride to a town called Cobh, Ireland. This town is famous for its harbour - the Cork Harbour. This was the last port of call for the Titanic before it sank. This is also the Harbour where the Lusitania sunk during WW1. The guy I talked to at the bar earlier was a ship builder from Cork for over 50 years. He went on to explain to me in full detail why the Titanic sank. He's like: "Do you know why it sank" I was like: "Didn't it hit an iceberg" He told how corners were cut in manufacturing that created the situation which led to the boat taking on water. Don't know if he knew what he was talking about - but it sounded pretty good.

Weather today was great, sunny, clear skies about 50 deg F - until I went to Cobh. Then, the temperature dropped 20 degrees, the wind starting blowing, and then the rains came - sideways. It's like watching the Bristish Open golf - the weather can change in an instant.

What am I eating? Actually - nothing too exciting right now. I'm going with the really mobile approach during the days. I grab a bottle of water here, a coffee there, another water and a quick sandwich, some bananas. I'm eating 4-5 times, but very little each time. I'm trying to do this on purpose and be healthier. I then generally eat something a little more substanial at night. I'll have to be more adventurous in this category. I'm literally just eating when I get hungry - whatever time that may be.


  1. I've kissed the Blarney Stone before, but the man there to hold on to your legs was like 93 years old! Talk about my heart beating! It sure is beautiful country though, and I am enjoying hearing all about it! I hope you make time to get to the Cliffs of Mohr.

  2. What a fun blog, Kyle! I never realized you were using the book about places to see before you die as a guide. I'll have to get a copy and start checking places off.
    I think I know what you wished for when you kissed the blarney stone and I fervently hope it comes true.....soon!

  3. I had no idea that kissing the Blarney Stone was such a challenge!!!! I'm learning so much through your travels!
