Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Day #19 - AT Hike

Day #19 - AT Hike

Tuesday, March 31st - Day #19 - AT Hike

Miles Hiked Today - 14.1
Total Miles Hiked on AT - 210.9/2,193 (9.62%)

Little Paint Creek Trail (287.7) to Jerry’s Cabin Shelter (301.8) - tent at Jerry’s Cabin Shelter

Total ascent - 3,887’
Total descent - 2,625’

Total States Completed - 1/14

Rainy, challenging day today.  It’s 5:30pm - I’m currently in my tent at Jerry’s Cabin Shelter (Mile #301.8 on AT Trail) listening to the raindrops beating down against my rainfly. All in all - it was a successful day. One of the big bonuses - I’ve met up with a ton of people. There must be 20 people staying at this shelter tonight.  I finished up my hike around 2:30pm - and talked with everyone for a couple hours after setting up my tent - Caleb, Maddy, Pepper, Crispy, Stretch, etc.

Hoping the rain clears up during the day tomorrow. Today I was so cold while I was hiking. During my stop at lunch - I was literally shaking. I couldn’t stop long unless I fully changed clothes - so I took very few breaks today. It was even snowing for a little while. Reports are temps will dip below freezing tonight. I’m making sure to put my Sawyer Squueze filter in my sleeping bag with me to avoid freezing. If these filters freeze - they’re effectively destroyed.  That would not be good for me.  I’ll be wearing an extra pair of socks for gloves tonight.

I have a long sleeve shirt, my Salomon running jacket, my puffy jacket, sock cap - still cold right now. One thing I’m missing and wish I had is a waterproof pair of gloves.  My running gloves dry quickly and work well in the heat - at 35 degrees and rainy - they are useless. Today - I spent long stretches with my hands in my pants pockets - under my rain pants. I have warmer clothes for cold weather - but not adequate clothing for WET, cold weather.  My arcteryx rain pants work pretty well, but my Outdoor Research Helium rain jacket is not for 35 degrees and pouring rain all day. (The rain jacket is basically useless in heavy rains). I won’t be at these elevations much longer - hopefully I can make it through this cold, rainy stretch.  In the daytime - as long as I keep moving I’ll be OK.  At night - I’ll just do everything I can to stay dry. The common denominator here for concern is rain.  Cold - not a problem.  Cold-rainy — a problem.

Tomorrow will be a big 16-miler with 3,700 ascent. I just gotta get through tomorrow - sunshine and easier days are in store leading into Erwin, TN. Sending good wishes to everyone out there.

Good night from a rain-drenched mountaintop near the outskirts of the Smokey Mountains.

Rainy days

Pretty good trail conditions 

This is not for me - but I did pass 200 miles

Took the bad weather trail 

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