Saturday, May 9, 2020

Day #57 - AT Hike

Friday, May 8 - Day #57 - AT Hike

Miles Hiked Today - 20.4
Total Miles Hiked on AT - 752.6/2,193 (34.42%)

Seeley-Woolworth Shelter (823.1) to Maupin Field Shelter (843.5) - tent at Maupin Field Shelter

Total ascent - 5,530’
Total descent - 6,277’

Total States Completed - 1/14

**Rain Day (Started 2pm and rained periodically the rest of the day - very cold, low 27 degrees)

Enormous hiking day today. People have said this is the hardest climbing day in Virginia- “they” might be right.  20.4 miles with 5,530’ vertical ascent and 6,277’ vertical descent. WOW!!!

I started the morning off with a section called “The Priest”. Maybe because you may need one for last rights or because you may be praying to one as you complete this section - either way - it’s appropriately named.  A climb up to Priest Mountain was followed by a 3,000’ descent. This brought me to Mile #11. I knew coming into today - there was a shelter at Mile #14 and Mile #20. I got to Mile #11 by noon - so I decided to go for the 20-miler.

After reaching the valley at Mile #11 - I then had a grueling 3,200’ ascent - with a ton of technical rock climbing involved. About 1,000’ from the top - the group of 5 thru-hikers I met at Stanimals Hostel in Glasgow came up behind me. It was really cool talking with them - and we basically hiked the rest of the day together. After the summit - we had a 2.9 mile steady descent. It was a HUGE day. Many fourteeners in Colorado have less elevation gain/loss than the course I completed today.

The weather held out pretty well. I was on the trail around 6:40am. It was perfect conditions through about 2pm. Then - it started to rain. Then - the wind started up. Then - the cold started to hit home. All these elements came into play during my 3,200’ ascent. The 2.9 miles down to the shelter was freezing cold - as I was drenched to the bone.

I was able to get my tent setup quickly and change into dry clothes. The group of 5 I had walked with are here at the shelter as well. I really like these guys (3 guys, 2 girls). I’ve gotten to know Punchline and Dirty Jobs pretty well.  This group is really tight. They are also very positive and respectful of each other. It was a really cool vibe being by these guys. Punchline is an older gentleman - but was always inspiring the others in his group:  “I’m proud of you guys today”. “You’re doing an amazing job with this climb”. He gave fist bumps to everybody at the top of the climb.

You know - it’s sort of interesting how life on the trail changes. You have these Tramilies in place all over.  Just like in real life - all the Tramilies are really different. Some are just partyers, some are super-fast with only miles on their minds, some are always giving each other trouble, and some (like today) - are just really cool, respectful people that like to have fun.

I had fun last week with 2-can, Chickweed, and Cambyr - but the dynamic was different. We were all very opposite people. Very - very opposite. Actually - the reason Chickweed and Cambyr likely stayed back the other day was because a conversation we had. I mentioned how these guys all loved to give me trouble. For the most part - I was pretty OK with it (it’s all fun). But the other day it went a little too far for my liking - and I told them as much. I don’t need to feel like I’m being bullied like we’re in high school out here on the trail. I guess Chickweed must have grown up with a father that was a pretty big bully - when I mentioned something - it really effected her (was she like her father?). I feel bad I upset her - but I don’t feel bad for what I said - it was only the truth.  Details are not important here. Bottom line - it’s all about respect. The best friendships, the best marriages, etc — are when people respect the other person. They are not constantly trying to change each other (why don’t you wear this, why don’t you say this, why don’t you do that) - it’s appreciation for what the other person brings to the table.  I do truly believe this.  Anyway — this was on my mind after seeing this Tramily of 5 today.  I did a lot of watching/listening — I do that a lot around new people. I can learn a ton in a very short time.

So - tonight it’s going to be in the mid-20’s with gusty wind conditions. I’m hoping to get a little sleep - but it will be tough.

Tomorrow - I can either go 15 miles to another shelter or go 20.5 into Waynesboro. I had only planned to be in Waynesboro on Sunday - but an extra night in a bed sounds kind of good. We’ll see what tomorrow brings - I’ll make the call on the fly.

Because I’m out of cell range - my buddy Derrick is helping me by getting on-line tomorrow at 8am EST to see if he can get my back country permit for the Smokey’s. Once I know if I get this permit or not - a lot of things will be set in motion for how my next week will play out. Stay tuned!

Sorry I missed the Zoom Happy Hour with my Lifetime Fitness friends tonight. Next time!  Hard to get a signal in the middle of the woods - in the middle of no-where, Virginia.

Here’s to my tent holding up strong versus these heavy winds and rain tonight.

6.6 miles into hike today

Priest Rock

Green woods

Sunrise - walking up Priest Mountain 

Great views


The bridges are pretty cool

Entering “The Priest”

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