Saturday, March 28, 2020

Day #16 - AT Hike

Saturday, March 28 - Day #16 - AT Hike

Miles Hiked Today - 13.1
Total Miles Hiked on AT - 170.9/2,193 (7.79%)

Groundhog Creek Shelter (248.7) to Walnut Mountain Shelter (261.8) - tent at Walnut Mountain Shelter

Total ascent - 3,535’
Total descent - 2,624’
Total States Completed - 1/14

Solid day today. 13.1 miles with a respectable 3,535’ ascent. The temperatures are warming up. It was in the 80’s today. I drank around 4L of water throughout the course of the day - and I don’t think it was enough. Luckily - there’s usually plenty of water sources as summer months arrive and temps increase. There was a 750’ climb right at the end of the day to the shelter. I was so hot I stopped at a creek and threw water on my head and soaked my hat. It reminded me of how I feel in the later stages of a warm marathon (Honolulu Marathon this past December as an example).

One thing I’ll need to do on really hot days is start VERY early in the morning - like before first light. I’d like to have 75% of my hike in by noon if possible. If I start at 6am - it’s plausible I could have 12-15 miles in before noon.  I’m roughly averaging 2miles/hr — but that includes breaks, lunch, picture taking, etc. Today I started at 8am and finished around 2:30pm (6.5 hrs) for 13.1 miles.

I’m not fast by any stretch - but I’m keeping a pretty solid pace.  I had to laugh earlier. I was one of the first people out of camp. Not 10 minutes after I left - Yard Sale and Jello (a young couple) powered by me like I was standing still. I always begin slowly - plus there was a big climb to start. I was eating a Cliff Bar and just moseying along. About 3 miles later - I caught up to them taking a break.  I went on. The next couple miles were really hilly. The final ascent they past me again. They both said:  “You’re fast man”. “Yeah - really fast”.  First of all - I’m not fast - just consistent. I did think it was funny though because they were clearly astonished that I was doing as well as I was.

It’s really interesting the perception you give people (in both directions).  Often times - when people hear I’ve done a lot of marathons - they instantly think I’m some kind of super fast runner. Sometimes they ask if I want to go for a run. I clearly tell them my pace but most of the time they think I’m just being modest and not saying my true speed. However - when we’re out there and I can’t keep that 8-8-1/2 minute pace - you can see them sort of amazed.  Like:  “Man - How can you have completed so many marathons - you’re really not so fast at all”.  Basically - the answer to today and the answer to the running example —- I’m a grinder and continue efforting all the time. It’s not fancy, it’s not amazing - but it can yield results if you keep your head down

So the middle part of the hike today - we came to a place they call Max Patch. It’s an amazing open hillside where you have full 360 degree views of mountains in all directions. Really unbelievable!!  In my pre-hike research - lots of people listed this as a Top 10 place for them.  Some hikers camp up on the mountain. This would have been really fun to do- but timing with the bypass was just not right. Maybe 1 day I’ll come back here and camp up there.  If you’re ever in this area - I’d certainly recommend Max Patch to anyone.

The other really cool thing that happened today - I met up with my Tramily.  I was sitting down for a break and around the corner - here comes Pepper. Crazy!  A few of them had camped at Max Patch last night. He was behind the group because he had left a charger at a hostel the night before that he went back to grab. It turns out that those guys bypassed the Smokes the same day as me - yesterday. Instead of 7 miles like I did - they powered to the top of Max Patch. It was really cool of him to stop and check in. He said:  “Man - everybody talks about you and wonders how you’re doing”. We exchanged info on GutHooks. Those guys will be in Hot Springs on Monday when I’m there.  Pepper said:  “A couple people backed out - we have 9 of us now - I include you as part of our group”.  You know - I don’t know how much I’ll be with these guys in the coming months - but it’s really cool to feel like you’re part of a group.  These guys, for the most part, are in their late 20s I’d say.  They could completely blow me off. It meant a lot to me to have that conversation with Pepper today.

Tomorrow I’ll have another 13+ mile day which will bring me to Hot Springs, NC. I have a hotel room for 2 nights.  I will be taking a Zero on Monday. (I always feel like a slacker when I write that). However - I had planned a Zero here and rest is absolutely key for me to keep down any lingering issues. I know I can do this - I just have to stay healthy.  I’m 100% on track with my pre-hike goals. I had hoped to be at 165 miles by the end of today. As we sit here - I’m at 170.9.  Keep plodding along!!

Goodnight from the border of Carolina/Tennessee. I don’t know what state I’m in currently.  Happy Saturday - go do something that scares you (or just something you’ve never done before)

A campsite on Max Patch

Hiking info for Max Patch

I can’t ask people to take my picture anymore

Max Patch

Great views

One of the inclines today

Coming off Max Patch

Walking up to Max Patch

Elk warning 

Resting after getting to camp

Camping on Max Patch - busy Saturday


We walk over bridges like this all the time

Max Patch 

Pano shot of Max Patch


  1. Amazing terrain. I never realized how many people attempted this grueling feat and did it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Love reading the updates. I think you found your name - Grinder. Keep it going!
