Monday, June 1, 2020

Day #81 - AT Hike

Monday, June 1 - Day #81 - AT Hike

Miles Hiked Today - 20.0
Total Miles Hiked on AT - 1087.5/2,193 (49.59%)

Falls Creek Tentsite (1067.5) to Quarry Gap Shelters (1087.5) - tent at Quarry Gap Shelters

Total ascent - 3,477’
Total descent - 3,186’

Total States Completed - 6/14

**No Rain - 3rd perfect weather day in a row coming out of Harpers Ferry


49.59% complete — tomorrow I go over the 50% complete marker. Another huge milestone.  Small steps. Small steps — keep it going!

Another perfect weather day today. That’s 3 in a row out of Harpers Ferry. I’m really thankful - it’s incredible to have dry shoes/clothes - and a nice course.

A solid 20 miles on the nose today. 3 nice sized climbs. 750’ climb to start the day, 1,000’ in the middle of the day, and another 500’ to end the day.  The course has sections that are really smooth and fast - but there are also sections with rocky, technical terrain.

Every state in the AT has its own legend. The state of Pennsylvania is known for its “rocks”. I’ve heard so much about the “rocks” in fact - I am completely freaked out for the upcoming miles. The really bad sections are supposedly in the northern section of the state - so I should have another 100 miles or so before the worst hits. I’ve been trying the new shoes largely to prepare for the upcoming section

The shoe trial testing is coming along. It’s like a chemistry experiment. Since there’s a lot of different factors and conditions - I’m trying to make sure I accommodate for all of them. I’m trying a few things with my Superfeet inserts and heel lifts in both shoes to get the best mix. I think I’m on to something - but I’m still giving it more time.

So I mentioned how there are little challenges within the AT journey that come up here and there. Tomorrow - I plan to hike 17.7 miles to the Pine Grove Furnace State Park. I’ll stay the night at their campground. What makes Pine Grove Furnace State Park so popular on the AT?  It’s the home of the 1/2 gallon ice cream challenge. At the General Store in the Park - you have to eat a 1/2 gallon of ice cream in 1 hour or less to celebrate being 1/2 way done with the AT journey. This store just opened on May 25th. To be honest - I was hoping it would still be closed so I wouldn’t have to make a decision to do this or not. So - the plan is to hike hard and get into the park by 4pm at the latest - the store closes at 5pm. We’ll see how I feel if I go for the challenge. I might just get a normal ice cream and call it a day. Would you do it???

OK - time for bed. I’ve been so tired - I think the allergies are hitting me hard right now. Hoping to be coming to you live from the home of the 1/2 gallon challenge tomorrow. Will he - OR - will he not participate - inquiring minds want to know!

Caledonia State Park

Where I ate dinner at the shelter

Awesome shelter

Caledonia Stare Park

Lots of folks out

One of many bridges I crossed today

Swing at the shelter - I sat here for a snack after hike

Smooth trail

Great weather day

Cool creek

Hiking through Caledonia State Park

My tent - I’m setup on wooden platform tonight

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