Thursday, August 13, 2020

Day #154 - AT Hike

Thursday, August 13th - Day #154 - AT Hike

Miles Hiked Today - 17.9
Total Miles Hiked on AT - 2078.5/2,193 (94.78%)

Bald Mountain Pond Lean To (2060.6) to Monson (2078.5) - Shaw’s Hostal

Total ascent - 2,021’
Total descent - 2,005’

Total States Completed - 13/14

**No Rain - another really hot and muggy day. Highs in the mid 80’s


Coming to you live from Shaw’s Hostal in Monson, ME. My last night in a hotel/Hostal on my AT journey. It’s crazy!  Sam, Slider/Granger and I just went out for dinner. We talked a lot about our AT journey - our favorite days, our worst days, favorite Hostals, etc.  Like I mentioned several days back - I’m definitely ready to be finished - but I’m sure I’ll miss it once I have some time to decompress and reflect on my journey.

Today’s hike went a lot smoother than yesterday. The course was much easier. We finished up a little before 3pm - so we averaged 2 miles/hr (including breaks).  There were a couple sections where we were doing 3+ miles/hr for an hour or more. We laughed about mid day.  The course had been pretty simple to this point. We decided it was like the Hunger Games - just when you think you’re doing OK - the course starts throwing daggers at you.  We descended into this riverbed. We had to forge the river on slick rocks getting our shoes soaking wet (Sam slipped and fell completely in the river). Then - we were attacked by swarms of horse flies. Next - we went through a 2 mile stretch with tons of trees down across the trail. We had to dunk, crawl under, crawl over, and sidestep tons of debris.  We probably averaged 1 mile/hr for that 1-2 hour block.

Alright - next step on my journey - the 100 mile wilderness. This stretch in Maine is famous on the AT. It’s known for its remote, rugged terrain. But - it’s also supposedly one of the most picturesque places on the AT. 100 miles with no towns, limited cell coverage - it’s you and the forest. This is what you were trained for!!

The first 40 miles or so of the 100 mile wilderness is challenging - quite a bit of vertical. The last portion is relatively flat - offering nice walking trails (we’ve been told). We’re targeting 6 days to get through this stretch. We’re doing shorter mileage days at first - and will throw in a couple 20 milers at the end. We did setup a resupply with Shaw’s halfway through. By doing this - we don’t have to carry 6 full days of food. Plus - if we need something (equipment breaks, etc) - they are a source that can help bail us out of trouble.

We’ve been told that cell coverage does exist at a couple shelters - but I’m not positive how frequently I’ll be able to post during this upcoming section (So don’t be alarmed if I can’t post for a few days). I should be back to civilization by next Wednesday - with just 2 days left.

8 days remains on my journey. Here’s to taking on the 100-mile wilderness. Here’s to health and strength to make it through successfully.

Good night from Shaw’s Hostal. (The Hostal is nice - it has a lot of resources - but it’s not the best Hostal on the AT in my opinion)

Shaw’s Hostal

Shaw’s Bunk House and cottage

One of many creek crossings 

A huge boulder that had broken apart - lunch break

Huge uprooted tree

Sunrise at our shelter last night - reflecting

Beautiful sunrise

Lake in Monson - walk back from dinner

Dinner spot in Monson

Lake in Monson

Another early morning reflecting pic

Smooth trail today 

Early morning sunrise at shelter

Granger - walking over a beaver dam

Cool church in Monson 

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