Saturday, May 30, 2020

Day #79 - AT Hike - Maryland starts

Saturday, May 30 - Day#79 - AT Hike

Miles Hiked Today - 22.9
Total Miles Hiked on AT - 1049.0/2,193 (47.83%)

Harpers Ferry (1026.1) to Pine Knob Shelter (1049.0) - tent at Pine Knob Shelter

Total ascent - 4,050’
Total descent - 2,954’

Total States Completed - 5/14

**No Rain - really perfect weather today. Not too hot. Pleasant


Supersized day today!!  22.9 miles with 4,050’ vertical ascent.  The day started with a 3 mile hike on a bike path - which was flat and smooth. I was able to make good time in the morning to give me a chance for a bigger mileage day. The weather was spot on as well. After some storms last night - the sun came out today. Temperatures remained in low 70’s - not too hot.

The Hokas held up pretty well overall today. I could definitely tell the difference in the cushion vs the Lone Peaks. I’ve been walking for over 1,000 miles with a certain shoe - everything seemed different and unfamiliar today. Not perfect by a long shot - my feet were still hurting pretty bad coming into the shelter tonight. But - I just need to give it a little time.  New shoes can take a minute to get loosened up. I’m holding judgement for now. We’ll give them a whirl again tomorrow.

So I finished my 5th state (West Virginia) today.  Plus - I got more than half-way across Maryland. There’s only 41 miles on the AT in Maryland. I did nearly 23 of those miles today. If things go as planned - I’ll finish up Maryland tomorrow- leaving me with 8 states to go.

Here’s the final 8 states in the order I will hike them. I’ve also included the miles in each state:

Pennsylvania- 229
New Jersey - 72
New York - 91
Connecticut - 50
Massachusetts - 90
Vermont - 151
New Hampshire - 161
Maine - 282

I got into the shelter tonight around 6:30pm. Long days leave little time for tent setup and cooking before it turns dark. I’m pretty quick on setup - so things went well. There are 4 section hikers here - all going south to Harpers Ferry. It was cool talking with them over dinner. I am so tired - I let them know I was turning in early. It’s 9:30pm now - I’m about ready for some shut-eye.

Before I conclude tonight - one last thing to do:

So - I need to introduce the state of Maryland with a theme song - (I got to tell you - it took a few days to come up with something.  I have a lot of time on trail - so follow me here):

Maryland has Baltimore, the Naval Academy, it’s known for lobster/seafood, the Mason-Dixon Line, Antietam National Battlefield. But - I don’t know any songs specifically about Maryland - nor any singers from there. So - what do I know best?  Sports. OK - who’s one of the most famous sports people from Maryland. Michael Phelps. Why is Michael Phelps so popular?  He’s the most decorated Olympian ever. 8/8 golds in Beijing. OK - so the Olympics has made him a household name in the sport of swimming. What is the best Olympic theme song of all time. It’s “One Moment in Time” by Whitney Houston. So - I pulled up this song and listened to it - with the lyrics. I got chills!!  This song is unbelievable!!  This song is speaking to me!!

Without further ado, Please welcome the late-great —- Ms Whitney Houston:


“Each day I live, I want to be
A day to give, the best of me
I’m only one, but not alone
My finest day, is yet unknown

I broke my heart, fought every gain
To taste the sweet, I face the pain
I rise and fall, yet through it all
This much remains

I want one moment in time
When I’m more than I thought I could be
When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away
And the answers are all up to me
Give me one moment in time
When I’m racing with destiny
Then in that one moment in time
I will feel
I will feel eternity

I’ve lived to be, the very best
I want it all, no time for less
I’ve laid the plans, now lay the chance, here in my hands

Give me one moment in time
When I’m more than I thought I could be
When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away
And the answers are all up to me
Give me one moment in time
When I’m racing with destiny
Then in that one moment in time
I will feel
I will feel eternity

You’re a winner for a lifetime
If you seize that one moment in time
Make it shine

Give me that one moment in time
When I’m more than I thought I could be
When all of my dreams are a heartbeat away
And the answers are all up to me
Give me one moment in time
When I’m racing with destiny
Then in that one moment in time
I will be
I will be
I will be free
I will be
I will be free’

“One Moment in Time” — Whitney Houston


That was a round about way to get a theme song - but pull this up on YouTube - it’s a special song.

Goodnight from the middle of Maryland. Tomorrow - I hope to be coming to you live from Pennsylvania - and a theme song a little more in my wheelhouse!!

I got to site-see while hiking today

I got to see the Washington Monument 

Great weather day

A couple nice lookouts

Early morning river walk

Cool views this morning

Shenandoah River

Went through a couple parks today

This area had different facts about George Washington 

Bike path by river

More river views

Dahlgren camping area

Gathland State Park

More views

Walkway over interstate

That’s the bridge I was going to walk over - it’s closed for construction 

Gathland State Park

Cool views

Washington Monument 

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