Sunday, April 5, 2020

Day #24 - AT Hike

Day # 24 - AT Hike

Sunday, April 5 - Day #24 - AT Hike

Miles Hikes Today - 9.3
Total Miles Hiked on AT - 262.7/2,193 (11.98%)

Erwin, TN to Stealth Camp near USFS 230 (tent at Stealth site)

Total ascent - 3.005’
Total descent - 945’

Total States Completed - 1/14

‘Cause I’d like to see you out in the moonlight
I’d like to kiss you way back in the sticks
I’d like to walk you through a field of wildflowers
And I’d like to check you for TICKS’
—- Brad Paisley

Yes - a visual of my first tick today. Not on me - but on my tent.  It’s just about that season. I have to be careful - lots of Lyme Disease in these here parts.

Today was a pretty restful day overall. I slept in at the hotel and only started hiking around 9:30am. I hiked 9.3 miles on the AT - but I had to walk a couple miles from the hotel to get back to the trail - so around 11 miles overall.  I have an extremely heavy pack from my resupply. I’m carrying enough food to get me through 9 days if necessary.  I’m planning to stay over in a hotel in Roan Mountain, TN - but the hotel is outside town (and I’m not expecting to go into town).  I might be able to get some stuff at the hotel - but I’m prepared either way.  If I have to go 9 days with no resupply - I won’t be eating like a king, that’s for sure - but I should be able to make it.

When I arrived back at the trail - there was Maddy, Pepper & Cascade (awesome!). It was great to see them. They’re a little faster than me but take more breaks - so we past each other all day. It’s always good to see familiar faces on the trail. Those guys had a huge day planned with a 17+ mile - 5,000’+ vertical day.  I’m not sure how much other folks look at elevation (actually - I don’t think most people do) - but there was no way I was going 5,000’+ vertical with my heaviest pack of the whole trip. I’ll catch up with them again tomorrow.

I look at vertical like this:
< 2,500’ —- green light (big miles possible)
2,500 - 3,500’ —- yellow light (solid miles)
3,500 - 4,500’ —- orange light (be careful)
> 4,500 —- red light (low mile day)

I decided to stealth camp tonight - because there really wasn’t any good tent/shelter locations at the distance I wanted to go today.  It’s a nice spot just off the trail in this little cove.  I had Ramen Noodles for dinner.  Solid - I actually don’t think I’ve eaten these since college. They weren’t too bad!  I’ve come to realize I can’t eat mashed potatoes everyday -  not so good on the digestive system.  Anybody have any other thoughts on food?  I have a pot and can boil water.  Just need things that are portable, pack some calories, and require little prep.  Tuna packets, ramen, mashed potatoes, rice, peanut butter, prepackaged meals - I’ve tried all these.

It’s only 7:15pm - but I’m pretty tired. I hope I’ll be able to sleep tonight.  The temps aren’t too bad - probably in the upper 40’s - low 50’s. Tomorrow I have a pretty big day with 14+ miles and 3,700’ vertical.  I plan to start early and just take my time. Honestly - I’ve been getting into camp usually between 2-4pm. There’s definitely more miles to be had each day.  It’s coming soon. The 18-22 mile days will be here in a couple hundred miles

Good night from a little orange tent in a really big forest!

Power line crossing - camping spot

Warm day - getting more water

Middle of the hike water source

Nice day today

Power line crossing

Pretty rocky course today

A hostel in Erwin that is currently closed due to Covid-19

My camping spot tonight

A river in Erwin I walked past this morning 

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