Saturday, August 7th
Today was a pretty relaxing day. I took a late morning train 20 miles west of Copenhagen to a town called Roskilde.
Roskilde is the location of the nation's best Viking ship museum. I thought this would be pretty special to see. Coming from the land of the Vikings in Minnesota, it's only appropriate to learn a little more about this culture and 'raiders of the north'. The museum displays five perfectly preserved longships discovered and reconstructed in 1957. Dating from approximately 1000, they were presumably sunk in the Roskilde Fjord.
The Vikings were primarily from Scandanavia (Denmark Sweden, Norway). They were known as harsh barbarians that invaded many of the nations to the south, including Ireland, Britain, and France. I tried to absorb as much information as possible - but there was so much.
Roskilde was also the royal capital of Denmark until 1455. There's a Gothic cathedral in town that houses the tombs of 38 Danish kings.
I spent a few hours walking around. The train station was probably 2-3 miles from the Viking museum. The town must have been having some kind of classic car show. It was cool to see all the antique cars driving around.
I headed back into Copenhagen. I walked around some more and called it a day. Tomorrow I'm going to do a long run so I need the rest.
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