Sunday, May 16th
Today was another relaxing day in Paris. I haven't been starting the mornings too early. I rolled out of the hotel around lunchtime. I had a few targets in mind today, but for the most part, I just wanted to walk and see where that took me.
I walked down to the Arc de Triomphe and got on the metro. Strangely, there were alot fewer people on the streets today. I'd say there were about half as many as on Saturday afternoon. A little surprising. I took the metro to one of the 6 main terminal train stations in Paris - Gare Montparnasse. I got my tickets lined out for the next two days.
I'd wanted to take a trip to Versailles, so I inquired about train travel. They said the next train departs in 10 minutes. I said: "Please sign me up" I took the 20 minute ride to Versailles, France. The ride over was weird. I was the only person in this old, beaten-down train. It made about 7 stops before getting to Versailles. I was wondering if I had taken the right train. The ride back was much better - only about 10 minutes on a fast train with no stops and many people.
The big draw to the city of Versailles is the Chateau de Versailles. This is a huge complex. It's where the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28th, 1919 to end WWI. (This treaty was a conflict point that eventually lead Hitler to start WWII.) Versailles was the capital of France from 1682 to 1789. I walked around the complex and took some great photos. It was an excellent picture-taking day. I did not go into the facility for the tour. I chose just to walk around the area.
I spent maybe a couple hours in Versailles and then took the train back into Paris. I then walked around some northern parts of the city I'd never been before. I made it to the Basilique du Sacre Coeur. This is a really cool place. It sits up on a huge hill. I had to climb many flights of stairs to make it to the top. It was definitely worth the struggle. Once at the top, you were able to look out over all of Paris. There were many people. I grabbed a seat on the stairsteps just looking out over the city for about 30 minutes. There were a few guys walking around selling Heinekin beers - excellent.
I then walked down to the Hard Rock Cafe and purchased a shot glass. My goal is to collect a shot glass from a Hard Rock on each continent and all the Hard Rocks in the US. I have 5/6 on the continent front (Africa to go, Antartica doesn't have one) and 30/44 collected in the states. If you haven't noticed yet - I like to set many goals. It keeps me motivated and focused. "Contentment is the premonition to failure" This is a quote I like to live by.
I then strolled back to the hotel arriving just shy of 9pm. I have an early 7:15am train out tomorrow to LaRochelle, France. I have a genealogy assignment tomorrow.
KB4, I spent my 25th birthday at Versailles. The pictures brought back many memories of good times. I saw Dr. Frank today and he asked about you. He was glad to hear you are back at it.KB1