Saturday, August 22, 2020

Day #162 - AT Hike

Friday, August 21st - Day #162 - AT Hike

Miles Hiked Today - 5.2 (10.4 total with ascent/descent)
Total Miles Hiked on AT - 2,193/2,193 (100%)

The Birches (2187.8) to Mt Katahdin peak (2193) - staying at AT Lodge Hostal in Millinocket, ME

Total ascent - 4,193’
Total descent - 4,193’

Total states completed - 14/14

**Rain - Rainy, windy, nasty weather day. Winds were 25mph at the summit - with sleet coming down.


I did it!!  After 162 days - I’ve completed the Appalachian Trail. I’ve hiked the full 2,193 miles from Springer Mountain, Georgia to Mt Katahdin, Maine.

Coming to you live from my private room at the AT Lodge Hostal in Millinocket, ME. It’s Saturday morning - August 22nd - the day after my completion. It’s 6:30am - we have a 9am shuttle to Bangor, ME - where I’ll be renting a car for my return trip to St Louis - and then Colorado.

After completing my journey yesterday - I had so much to do - I didn’t have enough time to properly formulate my thoughts to write about my last day. So - after a good nights rest - I’m feeling inspired again.

Yesterday was so fitting - almost the perfect conclusion to this journey. It was tough - super tough out there. We were on the trail by 4am to hopefully beat the pending rain. Well - we weren’t early enough. About 5:30am - the rain started. We walked the first hour with our headlamps in complete darkness. Once the sun started to rise, the rains came - so we still had on our headlamps for another 30-45 minutes.

On most days - my mind is completely ready for the absolute worst conditions. Yesterday - the difficulty of the course, just how technical it was on these boulder fields mid way up the mountain - I was actually surprised at the daunting challenge this mountain presented.  I can’t believe southbounders actually start their AT journey here - because - Mt Katahdin is on the short list of hardest climbs on the entire AT.

It was only 5.2 miles to the peak - it took us 4 hrs and 45 minutes to summit. Then - another 3 hrs, 45 minutes to descend.  The rain was bearable going up. However - just a few minutes before we reached the peak - the rains, sleet, and wind picked up intensity. I was absolutely freezing at the summit. We all took our pics quickly and hurried down again. On the way down - we couldn’t stop - as we were all getting hypothermic. We were helping each other navigate this complex boulder field in the heavy rain and wind. I drank less than 1/2 liter of water all day and had only a couple bars to eat (I normally would drink/eat 4 times as much as this).

Once we got down below tree line on the descent - I felt much better. I knew I could do it - just by staying slow and cautious.  Once we were off the mountain - I changed out of my wet gear - ate some food - and we waited for our 2pm shuttle pickup.

I was able to get my laundry done and get a shower at the Hostal pretty quickly. Then - after being without cell for over 3 days - I tried to catch up on messages. Last night we all went out for a celebration dinner. Sam’s brother - Stephen - came to surprise her. He took us all out and treated us to dinner (Slider picked up all the drinks).

Well - people have asked me yesterday how I feel to be finished. I guess I’m still in the processing phase. So much energy and emotion has gone into the last 162 days - it’s hard to take it all in.

My first thought - I’m so thankful to have remained healthy and strong enough to complete this journey. I’ve seen so many people with injuries - it’s incredible. I think back to the day I fell hard crossing the creek (back in Virginia I believe). I could have broken my leg so easily there. I think about the day I was overheated in New York. That could have ended so badly for me. I tried to put myself in good situations - but I was very lucky and fortunate along the way.

I also want to Thank all my friends and family for the amazing support along the way. It seemed like I always got a message or text just when I needed it the most. There’s no way I could have completed this without your support.

Many days along my journey - I listened to music to keep me inspired. I downloaded a number of songs from Apple Music. I also downloaded some inspirational talks as well. One of these - “Believe in Yourself” - was my favorite. I went ahead and included this in the blog today. Whenever I was having a real down day - I would pull this up and listen to it. I guess in my life - even though I’ve been able to do a few things - I’ve always worried and doubted myself. I wish I could change this about me - but I’ve come to accept it.  I guess it makes me who I am.

It’s pretty emotional to be finished with my journey. I now have to find that next chapter - it will be fun and exciting to figure that out in the next few months. I plan to write up a summary of my hike in the next couple days - how many Zeros did I take, what was my mile/day average, how many days did it rain, what Hostals/hotels did I stay in, etc.  I enjoy doing summary days - because it will always be a quick reference for me in the future.

Thank you for all your support over the past 162 days!!

**Everyday do something that scares you - maybe it’s walking the AT - or maybe it’s trying a different hobby, etc - this makes us better and helps us grow.

“Believe in Yourself” - and go create your next “Remember When” story.

Remember when I hiked 2,193 miles on the AT - during Covid 2020 ——- I sure do!!!

AT 2020 - NOBO - 3/13 - 8/21. Raptor


“Why is it we don’t believe in ourselves
Why is it that as soon as things get tough in our lives
We start doubting ourselves
We start thinking that we may not make it through
Stressing - worrying - imagining things that may go wrong in the future

I’ll tell you the human mind is powerful, but it can also be destructive
It can be your greatest friend or your worst enemy

The person you see reflecting in the mirror
Will always provide you with your greatest challenges in life

Take control of your life - control of your mind

Conquer yourself and you can conquer anything in this world

Yeah - it’s easy to be positive when everything is going your way
But are you going to be one of the very few who STAND UP when things are tough
When everything is going against you
That’s when you must show yourself
That’s when your character will shine through
That’s when your story will be born
Your story of success

You ain’t building no story if you give up
The world is full of people who gave up
The world needs hope
The world needs you to STAND UP
To fight through your challenging moments
To shine through the darkness

Believe in yourself
There is nothing more important
Stay hungry
Hungry for success
Hungry for more

Most people are bloated with ordinary
They are full of average
Have an appetite for extra-ordinary
There will always be doubters
But if you stay true to yourself and believe
Then one day will be your moment

Remember - anything is possible if you believe
Keep your dreams alive
Understand that in order for you to have anything of great value - you must suffer and endure

You are destined for success!

One day this world will tap you on the shoulder and whisper:  “It’s your time to shine”


Early morning boulder field on the ascent 

Crazy complex at times

Ominous skies

The peak!

Clouds rolling in

You can still see the lakes in Maine



Headed home

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on finishing your epic journey! We've enjoyed your stories and adventures. Safe travels back home.
